I’m tremendously lucky to get to read some books before they’re released, and I’m a fan of looking forward, so welcome to the annual list of forthcoming books you’ll love!
This year’s list is longer than some previous ones have been because I’m including some books I have not yet read, but know they will be amazing.

In a House of Lies
Ian Rankin
December 31
Technically this one comes out in 2017, but I’m including it here anyhow…because I can. This is the latest entry in the John Rebus series, but it is very much an ensemble piece, and Rankin has never been better.
The Wrong Boy
Cathy Ace
January 9
This is a hard story to categorize, which is what I loved most about it. Part domestic suspense, a large portion of psychological thriller, and some history thrown in for good measure combine to make this a compelling page-turner.

No Sunscreen for the Dead
Tim Dorsey
January 15
Nobody does Florida stories better (or smarter) than Tim Dorsey. If you’re already a fan of Serge and Coleman, you’re in for (yet another) treat. If you have yet to read Dorsey’s stories, start here and discover what you’ve been missing!
A Time to Scatter Stones
Lawrence Block
January 29
Matthew Scudder. Need I say more? Honestly, I don’t know how to adequately describe my long-standing adoration of these stories, and this novella one is one of the very best.
Skin Game
JD Allen
February 8
Jim Bean is a private investigator with a past…and a present. I love this story because it recalls the history of the PI stories I love in a story that is firmly set in the present, told with a character who is painfully honest. If you missed the first in the series, 19 SOULS, you have time to read it before this one comes out!

Her Father’s Secret
Sara Blaedel
March 5
If you know me, you already know I’m a huge fan of Sara Blaedel’s stories. I’ll admit I was a bit skeptical of this new series because it’s not set in Denmark, but I need not have worried. The second story featuring Ilka Jensen is even better than the first!
Also, I’m thrilled that all of Blaedel’s Louise Rick/Camilla Lind books are now available in English.
Scot & Soda
Catriona McPherson
April 8
I fell in love with Lexy Campbell and her merry band of oddballs at the Last Ditch Motel in SCOT FREE, and m thrilled to report that she’s just as funny, charming, brilliant, and Scottish in this one, when something, um, odd turns up at her Halloween party.
The Pandora Room
Christopher Golden
April 23
If you’re looking for a thriller that has it all, this is it. History, whip-smart characters, and a fascinating story with evil forces a’plenty!

A Nice Cup of Tea
Celia Imrie
May 16 (UK)
August 6
If a clever, fun cozy mystery is your thing, look no further!
The Poison Garden
Alex Marwood
July 25 (UK)
When I had a moment this summer where I didn’t just want but needed to read an amazing book, I begged Alex Marwood for a sneak peek at this one. OMG, you guys, it is so good. The best way I can describe it is to say that it is about how we think, and what happens when we walk among evil.
The link above leads to BookDepository because the US release date hasn’t yet been announced.
The Hidden Things
Jamie Mason
August 13
I’m not quite finished reading this one, but am far enough in to know that it belongs on this list. It is a thriller, yes, but one that pulls you in to the characters’ lives so completely that it’s breathtaking.

The Murder List
Hank Phillippi Ryan
August 20
Can I tell you a secret? I’ve been hoping for years that Hank Phillippi Ryan would write a book with a legal-thriller element. And now she has! O happy day!
Black Nowhere
Reece Hirsch
September 1
Writing a compelling story where the plot hinges in the online world is hard because we all have thoughts/opinions/beliefs about the bits and bytes that occupy some aspect of our reality, but Hirsch does so masterfully. FBI agent Lisa Tanchik is a flawed and fascinating hero, and Nate Fallon is a perfect villain because I’m pretty sure people like him exist IRL.
The Stranger Inside
Lisa Unger
September 17
When I recommend books, I usually start by thinking about which Lisa Unger book the person would most enjoy. So while I haven’t yet read this one, I know it belongs on this list.
Hold Me Down
Clea Simon
Getting to read manuscripts sometimes even before they have a publishing home is one of the greatest joys of my life. HOLD ME DOWN is amazing, and I’ll be happy to tell you more about it as soon as a publisher is smart enough to snatch it up…in the meantime, have you read Clea Simon’s WORLD ENOUGH? You really should.
By way of disclosure: I’m lucky enough to work for some of the authors whose books are above. But they’re not paying for my personal opinion, which this is.