
Our team has decades of global experience in the arts and sciences of public relations, advertising, and marketing communications.


Our mission is to help clients understand and communicate with their audiences through customized programs.


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HEW has worked with an illustrious list of clients, renown in the US and internationally.

Blog: In Real Life

Book reviews, marketing observations and advice, and general commentary.

Recent Posts

Promote Yourself

Promote Yourself

A couple of weeks ago, Jeff Cohen posted about his Chemo Promo Conundrum. The core situation he described—an author confronting the problem of having to promote their books—is a common problem, I think, made immeasurably harder for Jeff because he’s going through...


On Failure

On Failure

Last weekend, I read this essay in The Guardian when it was shared by novelist Steve Mosby. Despite it being published on April 1, it does not appear to be an April Fool's joke. The Guardian's April Fool's story is here.  The thing that jumped out at me most was...


By the Numbers

By the Numbers

I believe that there are two kinds of people in the world: words people and numbers people. Thankfully, being one doesn't preclude you using the other, but if you're more comfy with one or the other, stepping outside that comfort zone can require some nudging....